Renaissance Chorus People

If you were ever in the Renaissance Chorus,
send us your picture!
Do you have your own website, Facebook page,
anything you'd like people to link to?
Send us the link, too. See "Contact Us" on our Home page.

Names of Chorus members who came to the Centennial are in bold. Should your name be bold? We do not have any contact information for some of these people. Click here for the list of missing contacts. If you can help us find them, please let us know!
Gloria Accurso-Fiammi

Isabel (Altschuler) Allan

Isabel Altschuler: see Allan
Helene Ampssler

Rae (“Jeep”) Anderson*
Remembrances of Rae

Carolyn (Lucretia Pile) Avins*
The Alfred T. White Center

Nora Avins: see Klein
Styra Avins: See Eisinger
Leona Bassein
Scientific contributions
Steve Basford
Nancy Baxter

William Beck

Sandra Bertisch: see Gelman
Sally Bienemann
Debby Black
Regina Blacker

Mary Ann (Fleming) Bleecker

Carol Blumenthal: see Ochs

Stephen Bonime

Karen Bonime
Steve Bosford
Vida Bosford
Nancy Bradburd
Dorothy Brodkin: see Israel

Nancy Bronstein

Nancy Brooks
Louise Browner
Lucy Tauber Brysk

Sandy Burd

Lois Buxbaum: see Schenck
Mary Calder: see Rower
Paul Callender
Julie (Lindheim) Cantor
Betsy Cantwell: see Pusey
Joan Cantwell: see Stolz

Ian Capps
"The Early Muse"

Yasoma Challenor
Physical Medicine & Rehab

Jonathan Chernoble

Jane Cohen
Vail Sports Medicine P.T.

Vicki Cohen

Philip Corner
Phil's life & works

Maricel (Usano) Crespo
Maricel on Facebook

Karen Christenfeld
Janet Croll
William Czerwinski

Mimi (Segal) Daitz
"My Mother, the Doctor"

Wendy Dannett

Carolyn Lucretia Davis: see Avins

Dan Davis*

Janet (Rosenthal) Dephoure

Noe Dinnerstein

Erin Drake
Anne Drazen: see Korzen
Shirley Drexler
Nina Edises: see Sheldon
Peter Ehrlich

Styra (Avins) Eisinger
Styra's bio
Johannes Brahms: Life and Times

Eleanor Elkins
Angelo State University faculty

Emil Ellberger

Sally Elliott

Marilyn Enyeart
Joan Espenschied: see Lane

Marc Estrin
When the Gods Come Home to Roost

Carolyn Fabricant
Carol Falcetti: see Osofsky
Steve Feinstein

Abbe Fessenden
Value-Add, LLC

Linda Fischer: see Monssen
Louis Flaim*
Mary Ann Fleming: see Bleecker

Yon� (Joan Solet) Flemming

Roxanne (Wickware) Flornoy
Eva (Mertha) Foreman
Jane Friedman

Jane Furth
Jane's Bio

Don Gallagher

Robert Garver
Paul Geidel
Barbara Geist
Sandra (Bertisch) Gelman
Cricket Giese
Scott Gillam
Susan Goldberg

Tsiporah (Judy Murray) Gottlieb
Tsiporah on Facebook

John Graziano
Roberta (Kochanczyk) Graziano
John & Roberta's Music in Gotham

Paul Green
Leila Greenberger: see Krim
Barbara Greener: see Ross
Ella Gregory

Lorraine (Lorry Lorber) Gribaa

Ted Grudzinski*
International Thesaurus of Musical Terms
The Wine Dictionary
Obituary, 2013
In Memoriam by unspywriter

Klaus Grunewald
Used and rare books
Ellie Grzeskowski: see Gregory
Laurie Halperin: see Zucker

Margaret Harris*
Obituary, 2000
Additional bio notes

Peter Heim*
Obituary, 2006
Anita (Rhodes) Herron

John Hetland
Renaissance Street Singers

Judith Hirsch: see Norell
Barbara Holden
Syvia Reubens Hollister
Leonard Horowitz*

Ruth Horowitz
Sunnyside Stories
Ian Sherman's sculpture

Mackay Hyslop
Ellen (Skorneck) Isler
JBI International
Dorothy (Brodkin) Israel*
Laurie Israel*
Sarah Jackson

Al Johansen

Jeannette Goya Johnson

Jimmy Kachulis
Jimmy's website

Dorothy Kaplan: see Roffman

Shelley Katsh
Adoption Options staff
The Music Within You

Dorothy Katz

Susan Katz

Allen Kerew*

Bob Klein
Nora (Avins) Klein
Chamber Music Houston, board
Ulrike Knopfer
Roberta Kochanczyk: see Graziano
Dorothy Kohn: see Schwartzberg

Jon Konheim
Rabbi stepping down, 2010

Annie (Drazen) Korzen
H.S. Music & Art class of 1956

Helen Kotzker: see Stephenson
Leila (Greenberger) Krim
David Kuperman
Joan (Espenschied) Lane

Louis Lantz*
Obituary, 2012
Tribute by Sig

Larry Lerner
Denise Levinson
Julian Levy
Karen Levy
Laura Liben
Gamelan Son of Lion

Jean (Taynton) Lithgow
Julie Lindheim: see Cantor

Calman Lobel

Lorry Lorber: see Gribaa
Gerald Marks
Mason Martens*
Adapter of hymns
Larry Maynard*
Anne McFadden
John McKiernan

Cara (Carol) McMillan

Joel Meltz
Listening to Erik Satie's "Vexations"
Janie Meltzer
Eva Mertha: see Foreman

Jonathan Miller

Bob Mitchell
Bob sings on YouTube
Tales of a Tenacious Tenor
Betsy Molter

Dan Molter*
Obituary, 2013
Dan’s bio

Linda (Fischer) Monssen
Tales to Tell, Tales to Play

Iria Moscatelli
Gretchen Muller
Ed Murray*
Judy Murray: see Gottlieb

Judith (Hirsch) Norell
Judith's Bakery
Video: "Rolling Out the Best Baguettes in New York City"

Jeanne O'Brien

Carol (Blumenthal) Ochs
Hebrew Union College
Books by Carol

Michael Ochs
ENCOUNTERS by George Sturm
Sherry Osborne

Carol (Falcetti) Osofsky

Carole Pigler
Lucretia Pile: see Avins
Barbara Pines

Avivah (Zuchman) Pinski Avivah on Facebook

Jerry Porter
Betsy (Cantwell) Pusey

Jennifer Quinn

John Quinn

Jeff Raheb

Alan Ravage

Eric Regener
Eric on Facebook

Eliane Reinhold*
Obituary, 2016

Sylvia Reubens: see Hollister
Anita Rhodes: see Herron

Bruce Rickenbacher

Vanessa Roe

Dorothy (Kaplan) Roffman
Thurnauer School of Music
Interview with Steve Adubato

Dorrie (Rosenblatt) Rosen
New York Botanical Garden

Sig Rosen
Sig on Facebook
Sketch by Nicholas Sperakis c.1969
Self-portrait woodcut

Hugh Rosenbaum
Rowena (Stapelfeldt) Rosenbaum
Hugh & Rowena's website

Dorrie Rosenblatt: see Rosen

Raymond Rosenstock*
Ray's Introductory Welcome
Ray’s Maillard publications
Obituary, 2018

Janet Rosenthal: see Dephoure
Barbara (Greener) Ross
Joan Roth: see Weiss
Lorie Rothblatt

Mary (Calder) Rower*
Her life, by Jessica Holmes

Lisa Rubin
Hilda Ruda
Sara J. Samuels: see Seiden

Neil Salzman
Books by Neil
Reform and Revolution
Russia in War and Revolution

Breena (Triestman) Satterfield
Joan Schaffer

Marsie Scharlatt
Book by Marsie

Morris Scharlatt*
Lois (Buxbaum) Schenck
Home in Baltimore, 1991
The Desperate Gourmet

David Schiller

Peter Schlosser
NYC Labor Chorus, 2007
Peter on Apple Music
Virginia Schuler: see: Schulman
Virginia (Schuler) Schulman
Alice Schwartz
Gary Schwartz

Dorothy (Kohn) Schwartzberg

Linda Scopton
Mimi Segal: see Daitz
Sara (Samuels) Seiden
Jo Seitz
Rhoda Semel*
Henry Shapiro
Carol Sheingorn: see Weisbrod

Nina (Edises) Sheldon
Jazz pianist, singer
Stockade Tavern Speakeasy Jazz

Peter Shenkin
Leslie Brandes Silberhans
Ellen Skorneck: see Isler
Joan Solet: see Flemming
Judy Spivak
George Spontak

Joy Spontak
Joy Cards

Rowena Stapelfeldt: see Rosenbaum

David Stephenson*
Obituary, 2012

Helen (Kotzker) Stephenson
Stephen Stern

Joan (Cantwell) Stolz*
Obituary, 2013

Daniel Stone
University of Winnipeg
Elizabeth Stone*
Ann Stuchiner

Laurie Sucher*
Laurie's Art
Laurie on Facebook
Obituary, 2009

Judith Sussholtz

Michael Sussholtz*
Karen Swift
Carol Taliaferro
Lucy Tauber: see Brysk
Jean Taynton: see Lithgow
Nancy Tepper
Denny Todd
Elaine Tokunaga
Breena Triestman: see Satterfield
Maricel Usano: see Crespo

Charles Van Tassel*
Profile in mode records
Remembrances of Charles
A Memorial

Gabrielle Varro
Concert, July 2018

Nelly Vuksic

Leo Warbington, Jr.*

Judy Weis
Peddrick Weis
Carol (Sheingorn) Weisbrod
UConn School of Law bio
Emblems of Pluralism
David Weisbrod
Joan (Roth) Weiss
Roxanne Wickware: see Flornoy
Carol Williams
Laurie (Halperin) Zucker
Avivah Zuchman: see Pinski

* - Deceased. See In Memoriam
Bold - Attended one or more Centennial events