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Carnegie Hall, December 1955


Harold's daughters Chelanne (left) and Alyson


The Renaissance Chorus, Stephen Bonime, director
From left: _____, Dorrie Rosen (in front), Susan Katz (behind Dorrie), Jeff Raheb, Al Johansen, Sigmund Rosen, Vanessa Roe,
Stephen Bonime, _____, Jonathan Miller, Eleanor Elkins(?), William Beck
Please help us with the missing names! Possibilities: Janet Croll, Sarah Jackson, Karen Levy.
Photo by Marion Bernstein at Advent Lutheran Church, June 1, 1980


Deborah Malamud, Rowena Rosenbaum, Laurie Sucher, Sally Elliott
at Boyd Fagan and Clara Raguso's wedding

Harold and Nancy


Joel Meltz conducting Don Gallagher, Louis Lantz, John Hetland, Stephen Bonime and Nancy Bronstein, c.1967


Roxanne Wickware, Nancy Bronstein and a passerby, same time as above


Cara McMillan and her cockatoo at the Colorado Moon Festival 2009,
a music festival she helps put on in Gold Hill, Colorado.